What Is Astigmatism And How Is It Treated?

What Is Astigmatism And How Is It Treated?

Many people suffer from eye issues, some of which are mild. However, if you detect changes in your eyesight, it may be time for a checkup. One of the most prevalent astigmatism symptoms is blurred vision. More information about this disease may be found here.

Blurred Vision

Your hazy eyesight may not be a significant issue. However, things might become worse. You may have some visual distortion. This is a critical issue to detect in very young infants. After all, people may be unaware that something is amiss with their vision. They may know what things appear to be and accept it as correct. Your child’s vision should be tested regularly.


You may notice yourself squinting more than usual. This might be for close-up viewing as well as observing objects from a distance. You may also have difficulty reading print in tiny fonts.


Squinting and straining can occasionally result in eye muscle tension. You might not sense strain until you read for an extended amount of time. This can also result in excruciating headaches.


The shape of the cornea usually causes this problem. The cornea is the transparent outer surface of the eye that serves as a lens. The cornea’s shape might become warped at times, impairing vision. It’s comparable to the lens on a camera or a telescope in that if the shape changes, light enters the eye differently, making things appear out of focus and fuzzy.

Understanding the Symptoms of Astigmatism

Simply because you are squinting and have an impaired vision does not imply that you have astigmatism. It might be due to a different eye or a medical issue. This is why it is critical to consult a medical expert for a thorough checkup and evaluation.


Corrective eyeglasses will usually enhance your eyesight. The glasses will alter how light reaches the eyes. Refractive surgery can be performed to repair the eyes in rare instances. Your doctor will be able to advise you on what to do.


Astigmatism, Squinting, and hazy vision are symptoms. This, however, might cause eye strain and headaches. Blurred vision might be an indication of a health condition, therefore consulting a doctor is critical. To address the issue, an eye doctor may prescribe corrective lenses or, in certain circumstances, surgical treatments.